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A wireless communication system for referees

The wireless AXIWI communication system is the communication system for the sport. The communication system is extremely suitable for referees who supervise a sports match and want to be in direct and wireless contact with fellow referees and officials. The communication system also offers various possibilities for coaching athletes and referees in different situations. With a weight of only 39 grams and a size barely larger than a matchbox, it is the most user-friendly communication system in the sport.

AXIWI’s communication system allows 6 people to communicate hands-free with each other at the same time via the ‘open’ line connection. Other people, with an AXIWI device and connected to the group, can listen in. Unwanted third parties cannot eavesdrop on the call. You can choose a permanent open connection or an open listening connection and voice connection by pressing a PTT (Push to Talk) button.

The advantages of a communication system for referees
Make quick decisions with the open’ line connection

Proactive game management tool
Direct contact with referees and officials
Everyone with an AXIWI communication system is ‘live’ informed
Motivating for the referee/arbitration team

Referees and officials are fully involved in the game
Reduction of errors

Immediately check necessary match information with the colleague to avoid mistakes
Because of the fast and direct communication a choice/decision can be made about every game situation.
More professionalism/authority

Players and coaches appreciate a soccer referee communication system, because the speed and correctness of the referees’ decisions increases. This obviously benefits the sports match. By using a communication system, game participants experience a referee team as professional.

Development of referees

By having referees and observers listen in with an AXIWI communication system, to the referees in the field, they know exactly how an umpire reacts to specific game situations. This helps them better analyze the referee’s play and allows them to better evaluate after the match. This contributes to an acceleration of the referee’s development and benefits the sport(s).