If it depends on MP Els Van Hoof (CD&V), there will be a limitation on the number of flavors of the e-cigarette. This should prevent young people from being lured to e-cigarettes by those attractive flavours. “It is not the intention that young people are made to vape en masse, especially now that it appears that the e-cigarette is not as harmless as first thought,” said Van Hoof, who has submitted a bill for this. At their congress a week ago, the Christian Democrats rallied behind the ambition for a tobacco-free generation. In concrete terms, Van Hoof wants a list of flavors that are still allowed.online e liquids shop mr-joy.comfor the best quality. In this way, the e-cigarette remains attractive for adults as a smoking cessation aid. Attract young peopleHowever, it bothers her that manufacturers entice young people with attractive flavors such as popcorn and mango. “Research shows that attractive flavors increase the willingness of young people to try e-cigarettes. Eight out of ten young people started vaping because of a taste,” says Van Hoof. “If we see that one in three young people used the e-cigarette without having smoked first, it is clear that the e-cigarette is overshooting its role in tobacco control policy.” The bill also provides for a legal equalization between e-cigarettes without and with nicotine. The text also ensures a rapid approach to hazardous substances, or additives, that are added to e-cigarettes and improves the provision of information to users. In the packaging of the e-cigarette, manufacturers will have to add a package leaflet with independent and scientific information about use and risks, but also the contact details of independent and recognized organizations such as Tabakstop. |